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Staying Active During Winter Months

We all know exercise is good for our minds and our bodies. Still, getting in the right mindset to exercise feels harder when it’s cold outside and you want to stay indoors.

So, don’t fight it.

Instead, take a fresh look at exercise. It’s easier when you make it a part of what you’re already doing every day.

In front of the TV…

Enjoy your favorite shows while doing exercises. A few minutes of light hand weights, marching in place, or stretching your body can make all the difference. SilverSneakers suggests these four essential exercises for people over 65 . And you can do them right in your living room.

With the grandkids…

Show them how cool you are by playing an active video game that combines fun with exercise. Have a dance-off or show your bowling skills. Major video game companies sell games that focus on these and other active sports and hobbies, including golf, tennis, boxing and much more. Another benefit? Keeping your mind and body active helps you stay mentally healthier too.

Doing errands…

Dress in warm layers. Make a choice to park farther away than you normally would. Take time and enjoy the fresh air.


Think about how many calories you’re burning while you’re doing it. Mopping is one of the most intensive chores, according to Healthline . It burns 318 calories an hour and works your shoulders, triceps, and biceps. Other options include sweeping, doing laundry, or dusting, which burn 159 calories an hour. Tidying up burns 238 calories an hour.

Forget something on another floor…

Embrace the idea of taking multiple trips up or down the stairs instead of waiting to fetch it. According to Run Society , climbing stairs provides more aerobic benefits in a shorter amount of time than running or walking. It’s also a great lower-body exercise.


Browse. And power-walk the aisles at your favorite big-box store or through an indoor mall.

Need more structure…

Enroll in gym memberships, fitness programs and SilverSneakers . Your Medicare Advantage plan may include membership for free. (Another bonus? Joining a gym or class can help you meet new friends.)

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